Our responsibility to the environment
Princes Laundry Services is committed to minimising its impact on the environment. In recent years we have spent over $5 million on energy and water saving initiatives.
For us, this is just the beginning, we are planning to continue our work in this area as we strive to be environmentally responsible.
Water Aquamiser and Energy Optimiser
this has cut water usage by 45% and power by 9%.
Recocross Heat Recovery System
this system was first installed in Australia at our Preston
facility and has significantly reduced gas consumption.
Jensen D2 Cake Breaker
removes the need for gas and electricity during
the conditioning stage when recycling sheets.
Gas-fired Ironer
this equipment uses 25% less gas than the conventional steam-fired ironer and also cuts water usage due to
the absence of steam injection.
LED Lighting
just another way we are reducing our electricity consumption.